ciné liminal
ciné liminal is a collectively curated film programme by students, anthropologists, film enthusiasts and filmmakers. together we organise screenings with discussions in Kino in der Reitschule in Bern
thor.projects showcases projects in the fields of science communication, artistic and performative research, citizen science/participatory research, and projects with a high socio-cultural impact.
ciné liminal is a collectively curated film programme by students, anthropologists, film enthusiasts and filmmakers. together we organise screenings with discussions in Kino in der Reitschule in Bern
The EcoArtLab is a think-and-do-tank at the Bern Academy of the Arts and the University of Bern’s mLAB with the aim of exploring climate justice at the intersection of art, geography and sustainability research.
Das Projekt Schweizer Dialekte Atlas (SDATS) untersucht den Wandel der schweizerdeutschen Dialekte in den letzten 70 Jahren, analysiert sprachliche Veränderungen und soziodemographische Einflüsse, und präsentiert Ergebnisse in interaktiven Karten.
Das Buchprojekt untersucht die Migrationshintergründe vertrauter Objekte, Symbole und Begriffe. Es beleuchtet deren Transferbedingungen und Bedeutungswandel, um die vielfältigen Einflüsse und Verbindungen in Kulturgeschichte und Gegenwart aufzuzeigen.
Das Projekt untersucht interdisziplinär das Lebensende unheilbar Kranker, kombiniert Perspektiven aus Kulturwissenschaft, Pflegeforschung, Religionssoziologie und Designforschung, und entwickelt neue Pflegeprodukte und Kommunikationsmaterialien zur Verbesserung des Wohlbefindens Sterbender.
past projects
Das Projekt «Silberne Gespräche» bringt aktuelle geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung in Dialog mit der außerakademischen Gesellschaft, besonders älteren Menschen, und schafft so einen Austausch zwischen Generationen zu gemeinsamen Forschungsthemen.
Hypnopompia explores the blurred aspects of socio-cultural identity through collaborative portraits and biographies, revealing new concepts of identity and the complex realities of social spaces influenced by biological and cultural commingling.
Collaborative Learning in History and Anthropology bridges Bern and Cairo. Students engage in shared readings, weekly discussions, and a collaborative workshop, using alternative pedagogies and self-directed education to co-produce knowledge in English and Arabic.
Claire Vionnet’s Dancing Aesthesia blends dance with arts-based research and research-creation, fostering intimacy exploration through co-creation. Participants share stories, invent exercises, and engage in embodied experiences.
The research blog Music, Sound, and Conflict examines the political role of music and sound in violence and resistance, exploring how sonic practices shape political identities, collective memory, and social justice struggles in various regimes.
The project explores and engages with the critical expression of Sufi heritage and identity in Sindh, Pakistan.
thor project, University of Bern
University of Bern
Faculty of Humanities
Walter Benjamin Kolleg
Muesmattstrasse 45
CH-3012 Bern